Update on SHAFE

Willeke van Staalduinen

Since 2017, SHINE 2Europe and AFEdemy have been developing the concept of Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments. It started with a Thematic Network in 2018 that delivered a Joint Statement to the European Commission. From there, it evolved into a COST Action from 2020-2024 (CA19136 NET4Age-Friendly) and a Coordination and Support Action on Social Innovation (SIRENE, 2022-2024). Both projects are developing robust Reference Frameworks that stakeholders can use to implement smart inclusive environments in their fields of impact. The results of these projects will be sustained in the SHAFE Foundation.

SHAFE explained:

Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) take a multifaceted approach to improve social participation, health and well-being and independent living for all citizens. SHAFE consider local or regional situations and the needs and demands of citizens for improvements or changes. Starting from these needs, SHAFE further offer strategies and actions to perform stakeholder analyses, networking and collaboration opportunities, and evaluation of proposed measures that will support the implementation. Additionally, SHAFE concludes the cycle of implementation with activities for monitoring and evaluation of progress.

AFEdemy started to develop physical workshops and online training as individual or group sessions. For more information (in Dutch) have a look here.

© 2017 - 2025

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi